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Resisting Change

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It's often said how people resist change, but I actually don't think that's true. Instead, I believe people are resistant to being changed and the control they lose from that change.

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Have you ever heard it said how "people resist change"?  I think it's a bunch of baloney. 

If you were offered a job earning twice as much pay for half as much work, would you resist that kind of change?  I doubt it!  

I think it actually comes down to people resist BEING changed.  They don't want change imposed on them where they're not part of the decision process.  So really, I think the resistance people may have to change is mostly about losing control, or perhaps even a wrong perception of losing control.  

It's because of this phenomenon that I believe this is absolutely essential in change management. If an organization is about to make some changes, like implementing a new system, changing a process, or implementing a solution from a Lean Six Sigma project, then a key part of change management should be to include in the process the very people most affected by the change.  

Involve them in the selection of the solution, how or when it's implemented, how it's communicated, how it's tested, etc.  That is, by letting them be part of the change design, you're helping them to have control or influence in the change.  And If you do that, I think you'll not only see a lot less resistance, but you'll probably see a lot faster and smoother implementation process.


Matt Hansen

Matt is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt who has led and consulted on hundreds of continuous improvement initiatives for over 20 years across several industries such as Government (Dept. of Defense), Insurance, Telecommunications, Transportation, Finance, and Higher Education.  He has developed and led enterprise Lean Six Sigma Training and Mentoring Programs at two billion-dollar organizations and has been credited with influencing a continuous improvement culture across the organization. The savings from the projects he has led well exceed $120 Million.

For more details about Matt's experience, you can check out his profile and connect with him on LinkedIn.  If you'd like to use Matt for consulting or speaking engagements, please contact him here.


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