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Dictionary of Lean Six Sigma Tools/Concepts

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Term Definition
Takt Time

A German word for "drum beat", it is a measurement of the consistent flow required for a process to meet the customer's demand. It's calculated as (Total available work time per day/shift) / (Total customer demand per day/shift). When calculating it, use the lowest reasonable level of units for measuring time (this usually means using a numerator value that exceeds the denominator value).
Related StatStuff Video: 
   -Section 2-Lean, Lesson #11 - Takt Time

Test for Equal Variance

Also known as the Homogeneity of Variance (HOV), it is a statistical tool that compares the standard deviation or variances between a continuous (a.k.a. variable or numerical) value and two or more discrete (a.k.a. attribute or categorical) values. 
Related StatStuff Video: 
   -Section 6-Analyze Phase, Lesson #25 - Hypothesis Testing: Spread (Compare 2+ Factors)

Transfer Function

Depicted as Y = f(X), it applies an equation to the IPO Flow Model by describing the relationship between various independent input factors (X's) and how they influence a dependent output response (Y). It is critical to a LSS project because it represents the controls in a process to help you understand how to adjust those control and influence the final output to a desired level (ideally, to help meet the customer's expectations).
Related StatStuff Video: 
   -Section 3-Overview, Lesson #4 - Transfer Function

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