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DMAIC Roadmaps

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Term Definition
DMAIC Roadmaps

A guide that lists questions addressing the critical requirements for each of the 5 phases in the DMAIC methodology. There are 3 levels of the roadmap that cover 1) a high level overview, 2) a mid level detail, and 3) a low, very detailed content. Levels 2 & 3 of the roadmap include a list of tools and resources that may be used to help answer each respective question, and a list of tools and resources that may normally serve as the output from each respective phase.
Related StatStuff Videos: 
   -Section 3-Overview, Lesson #5 - DMAIC Roadmaps (Levels 1 & 2)
   -Section 4-Define Phase, Lesson #1 - Define Phase Roadmap (Level 3)
   -Section 5-Measure Phase, Lesson #1 - Measure Phase Roadmap (Level 3)
   -Section 6-Analyze Phase, Lesson #1 - Analyze Phase Roadmap (Level 3)
   -Section 7-Improve Phase, Lesson #1 - Improve Phase Roadmap (Level 3)
   -Section 8-Control Phase, Lesson #1 - Control Phase Roadmap (Level 3)

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